Ethnic Rhinoplasty

What Is Ethnic Rhinoplasty?

An ethnic rhinoplasty is an approach that changes the nose’s appearance. However, it stays true to the patient’s ethnicity, balancing the facial features without sacrificing the distinct nasal elements. And everyone who thinks about such surgery can review the results of ethnic rhinoplasty in Turkey on Instagram.

What Are the Differences in Approaches To Different Ethnicities?

Similar to conventional rhinoplasty, ethnic one should primarily keep the patient’s natural appearance. The goal is not to make a European-like nose since it can be unnatural for some patients. But ethnic surgery can be more complicated than a regular one because noses of different ethnicities have various problems.

For instance, many African Americans complain about the width of their nostrils, and rhinoplasty often entails a thinning of the bridge of the nose. Asian patients usually have fragile cartilage. When planning an Asian rhinoplasty in Turkey, a surgeon should enlarge or create a new nose from cartilage or an implant to make it longer and more elegant. Spanish-type rhinoplasty usually involves narrowing the nostrils, requiring a cartilage transplant to provide additional strength to the nose.

Why Is Ethnic Rhinoplasty So  Complicated?

Such a kind of surgery requires strict adherence to specific rules. Hence, the specialist needs an explicit knowledge of all the bone base and skin thickness factors for a particular ethnic group. In this case, it is vital to understand that surgeons should mostly work to enhance patients’ beauty and preserve their uniqueness rather than crudely reshaping their appearance to suit volatile trends. And the patient will be satisfied with the results of reshaping an ethnic nose before and after.


In some cases, the patient expects to eliminate the national nose features. Let’s take Turkic nationality as an example. The typical nose of those people has a large protruding hump and a beak-like shape. It is the norm, but some people consider it a serious psychological problem and a defect of an aesthetic nature.

What is the peculiarity of ethnic rhinoplasty? At first, turning a big nose into a small one seems effortless. You just need to remove everything extra, and that’s it. Many patients say, “remove the hump and do not change anything else.” But it is impossible, and here’s why.

When working with a sizeable humped nose, the surgeon must never forget the principles of balanced rhinoplasty. Ideal proportions are the key to beauty and long-term results. Here is a basic example: ask the builder to remove some part of your cottage and leave the roof untouched. What will happen? The house would collapse.

It is also true for ethnic nose surgery. If you remove the hump, the nose will become smaller, and the tip will look too wide. The skin sheath will have the same size and too big, and the base of the nose will look disproportionately wide without the usual hump. So, you can not limit yourself to eliminate the hump, and you need to balance all the other nose parts to correct its proportions.This is why only professional surgeons can perform ethnic nose reshaping. They know advanced and bloodless methods to create a new nose, and the price of ethnic rhinoplasty in Turkey will be reasonable for everyone.

what is ethnic rhinoplasty nose job in Turkey?

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