- Stop taking aspirin and products containing aspirin. You should stop painkillers and medications that disrupt blood coagulation.
- Please inform your doctor if you have a cold or illness before rhinoplasty surgery.
- Vitamins are important in recovery. Start taking multivitamins with C, E, minerals, and iron.
- Certain arrangements should be made to ensure that someone will pick you up and stay with you for the first 24 hours after the surgery.
- Prepare ice for cold compresses, crushed ice, soft ice packs or self-made zippered ice packs. Another option: put ice in a large bowl, place a small bowl in the ice and place a damp cloth /the gauze bandage in the small bowl. Ice cools the cloth / gauze bandage .Whichever method you choose, plan to rotate the compress cloth to keep it cool.
- Make available 2 × 2 inch gauze pads, one 1/2 inch paper tape, liquid soap and hydrogen peroxide after surgery.
- Fruit juices, tea, soup, toast, crackers, bagels, jelly, rice pudding, etc.” Light foods “are our recommendation to consume.
- Wash your face with soap for three minutes. Do not use conditioner or hairspray after shampooing.
- When night falls, have a good rest.
- Do not eat or drink anything after 12:00, after midnight, before rhinoplasty surgery.
- Do not eat or drink anything before the surgery.
- Wash your face with soap for three minutes and go to the bathroom.
- Do not use face makeup, lipstick, nail polish.
- Do not wear wigs, hairpins, hairpieces or jewelry. Wear comfortable clothes.
- You can arrange a responsible adult to take you to the place of surgery and drive you home and stay with you 24 hours a day.
Instructions at home after nose surgery:
Always raise your head well to help keep swelling at minimum level. Apply ice packs (crushed ice is best) to your eyes and cheeks as much as possible during the first 48 hours after rhinoplasty. Do not wet or apply pressure on the nasal area. Liquid diet is best for the day of surgery.
Start by taking fluids slowly and switch to a light diet for digestive tolerance. You can start with a regular diet the next day. You will likely have a bloody runny nose two or four days after the rhinoplasty procedure.
Change the tulle pad under your nose as needed. Do not rub your nose, this condition is prone to irritation. It is normal to have a small amount of blood in the back of your throat. If rapid bleeding occurs, lean your head gently. Apply fresh ice compresses to the nose. If bleeding lasts longer than 30 minutes, call your doctor.
Try not to sneeze, but if you do, use your mouth.

For two weeks after rhinoplasty surgery, tiring activities should be restricted. After two weeks, get your activities back to normal at the end of the third week.
Avoid physical contact with nose along four to six weeks
If a dressing has been applied to the ear, keep it dry and firm.