How Comfortable and Easy to Go After Rhinoplasty Surgery
I will tell you about my own experience about the most common problems we encounter after Rhinoplasty surgery and what needs to be done for a comfortable and easy post-operative period.
How Comfortable and Easy to Go After Rhinoplasty Surgery
The technique that you and your doctor have chosen according to the condition of your nose, the duration of anesthesia and the quality of anesthesia are important factors that affect the postoperative maximum traumatic work during the operation. One of the frequently asked questions is “Will I have a lot of pain after the surgery“; I can say that we almost never face serious pain complaints, even if there is some pain, this complaint disappears with the drugs we give. With 25 years of experience, I can tell you that there is no need to be afraid of post-operative pain, to raise it in your head. Another issue is swelling and bruises on the face and eyelids under the eyes after the surgery, but a certain amount of bruises and swelling under the eyes, depending on the skin sensitivity. This is reduced to a minimum in 3-4 days with ice application and postoperative mobility. Drinking plenty of water, but not exaggerating, drinking their juices such as green tea, parsley, pineapple will help edema go down faster. At the same time, the most important thing is mobility. It is important to know that walking and maximum movement during cool hours will increase blood circulation and will help reduce edema. In other words, spending the postoperative period in bed will prolong the healing process.
In the meantime, attention should be paid to the condition of nutrition and blood pressure, the movements to be made should not be exaggerated and heavy exercise. We recommend that you act vigorously on the second day after the first day in the hospital. Of course, there are no complications, if blood pressure and nutrition are normal, returning to your work and normal daily activities as soon as possible will positively affect your recovery. One of the most common post-operative problems we encounter is will I be able to breathe through the nose after the operation? Recently, we put silicone nasal splits in the nose after surgery for 2-3 days, and their edges are corrugated, allowing us to breathe through these grooves and the upper and lower parts of the split. From time to time, the grooves of the nasal splits can become stuck with a blood clot and this prevents the air we take from the nose, but this blockage can be opened by injecting some serum into the grooves and breathing can be restored. In addition, in cases where nasal breathing is not sufficient, the body is directed to mouth breathing, 2-3 days pass with some nose and mouth breathing. In the meantime, lips may become dry due to mouth breathing. Therefore, it is necessary to drink plenty of water and apply some creams to the lips for drying.
In rhinoplasty (nose aesthetics) surgery, intranasal septum surgery is performed together and in some cases, we apply RF to these turbinates due to enlargement of the concha, which we call concha, in some cases, this causes some edema and crusting in intranasal surgery. For this reason, we recommend nasal washing solutions after surgery, which provides serious relief.
You should also remember how important follow-up visits to one’s surgeon in Istanbul, Turkey are. The visit will help the surgeon track a patient’s healing progress and be able to raise any concerns. Your surgeon may remove the sutures or splints applied and clean out the nasal passages for proper healing during such appointments.
Avoid blowing your nose or doing anything that will build pressure in the nasal area for the first few weeks following surgery. It can cause problems during the healing process. Instead, if you need to sneeze, try doing so with your mouth open to reduce the pressure on the nose. Another consideration involves the sleeping position. Sleeping in a position, keeping your head elevated, allows the swelling to go down more quickly and thus allows healing; extra pillows or sleeping in a recliner would help during this phase.
Moreover, you should protect your nose from any potential injury. Avoid contact sports, heavy lifting, and any other activity that may result in an accidental bump or hit across the nose. Protective gear, when applicable, along with caution in crowded places, will be helpful in avoiding any injury to the healing nose.
A good diet high in vitamins and minerals prescribed by the best rhinoplasty surgeon will also support your recovery. Foods rich in vitamin C, such as citrus fruits, berries, and leafy green vegetables, are very helpful in repairing tissues and reducing inflammation. Protein-rich foods like lean meats, beans, and nuts play an important role in the healing and building of tissues. One should keep oneself well-hydrated, as it helps to flush out all the toxins from the body and keeps the skin and tissues well-moisturized. At least 8-10 glasses of water per day should be consumed while avoiding caffeinated or alcoholic beverages, which tend to dehydrate the body.
This approach includes, most importantly, the cultivation of a positive attitude and much patience to oversee the process of healing. Keep in mind that rhinoplasty does take time to yield its final results; it really does go up and down. Having trust in your surgeon and following his advice will definitely ensure for you a smooth and successful recovery.
By using these precautions and following the post-operative care instructions that your surgeon will recommend, you will be well on your way to having an easy and comfortable recovery after rhinoplasty surgery. Remember that every patient’s experience is a little different, and it is very important always clearly to communicate with your surgeon during this healing time. In any case, you can book a meeting online with Dr. Kadir to get answers on your questions about getting comfortable and easy after the nose job.