Nasal hump removal
24 April 2021
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Spring months and allergies

  With the arrival of the spring months, as the weather gets warmer, flowers bloom, pollen (pollen) and other dust particles are more circulating in the environment, there is an increase in allergic complaints such as allergy-related upper respiratory tract disorders , sinusitis and lung diseases.

Allergy when the body recognizes a substance as a foreign substance and reacts to it, this is what is called an allergy. This reaction causes reactions caused by the histamine secreted by the body against the allergic substance coming to the nose, and as a result, itching in the nose, runny nose, sneezing, nasal congestion or other diseases occur.The disease that we medically call Allergic Rhinitis,
Popularly known as hay fever, emerges in two ways:

  1. Perineal Allergic Rhinitis (lasts all year).
  2. Seasonal Allergic Rhinitis (changing according to the seasons).

Perineal allergic rhinitis or seasonal allergic rhinitis are the same in terms of treatment methods, but the duration and timing differ. While seasonal allergic rhinitis mostly increases in the spring and autumn months and allergic complaints increase in patients, but when the season changes, there is a serious decrease in complaints. With the beginning of the spring months, we recommend our patients with complaints such as nasal congestion, headache, nasal discharge, nasal discharge, sore throat, itching in the throat, and even itching in the ear, to determine whether their complaints are due to allergies, and treatment and protection methods accordingly.
In addition of increased nasal mucosa due to allergies and
swelling of the nasal flesh, if there is a bone curvature in the nose, serious obstruction will occur in the nose and with the long duration of obstructioWe can increase these examples, vineyard gardens, wool carpets, smoking environments, etc.n, sufficient oxygen will not be sent to the cavities called sinus in the skull, as a result of this, acute or chronic sinusitis will occur very often, depending on the aeration disorder in the sinuses.

Common allergic nasal diseases can trigger asthma and other lung diseases, and according to a study, it was observed allergic asthma in 70% of patients with allergic rhinitis.
For this reason, in the spring months and these days when allergic environments are spreading, we need to be careful about allergens and protect from allergen factors we know.
The person should try to determine which substance causes an allergic reaction to him in his / her living environment. When entering a house, workplace, on the road or in an indoor space, the particles in the air he /she breathes will trigger an allergic complaint. For example, if perfume, deodorant and scented sprays etc…used before leaving the house after waking up in the morning cause nasal discharge or sneezing, it means that we are allergic to them.We can increase these examples, vineyard gardens, wool carpets, smoking environments, etc.

   Before the initiation of allergy treatment, the person should identify the substance that causes an allergic reaction and the consciousness to stay away from this substance is an essential part of the treatment. Patients whose allergens could not be detected even though this method was implemented and the patients who are allergic to more than one substance should apply to a serious Allergy Immunology clinic for further examination and treatment, consequently the allergen will be detected with blood and skin tests and it will be necessary to apply vaccine and other treatment applications. However, in cases where these recommendations are followed or cannot be followed for various reasons, In order to recover the patient’s life comfort and relieve the complaints, medical treatment methods are implemented using nasal sprays and various anti-allergic agents. 

  In addition to treatment methods that start with the detection of pathologies caused by allergy in the nose with careful nasal endoscopic examination and continue with drug therapy, we apply various surgical methods.

  1. Reducing the swollen nasal concha and reducing the allergy surface with RF (radiofrequency) application to the lower turbinates (nasal flesh).
  2. In addition, if there is nasal bone curvature (internal or external), septoplasty (correction of internal nasal bone curvature) or septorhinoplasty (correction of internal and external nasal bone curvature) operations are performed for the patients that we will apply radiofrequency to the nasal flesh.

The septorhinoplasty surgery that we apply to the nose is also a nose aesthetic operation and the patient’s inability to get air from the nose is corrected and a beautiful looking nose is created.
In other words, nasal aesthetic (septorhinoplasty) surgery is not always performed with aesthetic concern, but it is a surgery we do for the health of the patient.

  1. Apart from this, we prefer medical treatment in acute sinusitis caused by aeration disorder in the nose.
    In chronic sinusitis, in order to clean the nasal concha, which we call polyps filling the nose and sinuses due to intense allergy, and in order to eliminate thickening of the mucosa and swelling not caused by polyps formation but edema blocking the sinus canals, and in order to allow the sinus to be ventilated, ESS (endoscopic sinus surgery) is performed This application is a surgical method that we apply with the camera to clean the polyps (transparent white jelly-like nasal concha formed later) or other pathologies ın order to open the sinus canals.ESS is applied very successfully in the treatment of chronic sinusitis in our country and all over the world.

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