The statistical representation shows that the records of males visiting plastic surgeons are about 4 times less than that of women. Although some treatments are equally popular with both sexes, rhinoplasty in Turkey seems to be an exception.
An asymmetrical, smoothly contoured nose adorns the face and changes any appearance. Do not think the same surgeries are conducted for men and women, as differences happen at each stage, from preparation to rehabilitation.
Men and women of different ages come to a plastic surgery clinic for rhinoplasty in Istanbul, led by various motivations. Among women, there is a desire to correct aesthetic defects of the nose, such as disproportionate size, unsightly or unfashionable form, hollows, a hooked nose, or asymmetry.
Female patients often come to a plastic surgeon to correct a normal nose. The request is for a nose “like Kate Middleton / Grace Kelly / Kate Beckinsale / Scarlett Johansson / Kim Kardashian.” Also among female patients are those who desire to correct the results of past plastic surgeries with which they are not satisfied. This kind of treatment requires careful preparation and attention to all nuances of earlier treatments.
Men resort to rhinoplasty only in extremely serious cases of disfiguring injury or extreme septum deviations, which prevent proper breathing and cause snoring, heavy bleeding, or other unpleasant consequences. Of course, men also consider aesthetics: most commonly, big and longish noses, hooked nostrils, asymmetry, crooked bridges, bending down, or wide tips.
But there is an enormous difference in expectations. Men are interested in the operation’s most invisible and natural result, with no stitches and insignificant appearance changes. On the other hand, women are often ready to experiment with their faces.
The anatomical features of the nose and the male face explain the difference in rhinoplasty conducted in women and men.
The skin is thicker in men and different in various nose parts. The bridge is thinner when the nose cartilage is more dense, with developed sebaceous glands. This structure of the tip typically leads to scarring. A man’s nose is usually much more extensive and rougher in outline than a woman’s. Of course, there are also aesthetic features—actual features, because the concept of an ideal nose is very different for both sexes. If we talk about direct anatomical differences, then there is no significant difference.
The surgical procedure itself is also different. Modeling the nasal tip is performed at the cost of cartilage structures, which in men are thin. Therefore, the surgeon has to work more carefully.
Rhinoplasty naturally allows one to modify the nose to one’s preference. A doctor can lift the tip to feminize the nose and make it more graceful. However, such work can only be done by professionals, such as Dr. Kadir, who has years of experience.
This also applies to the post-operative care and recovery period. Usually, women are more conscientious regarding the post-operative instructions and thus recover faster and with better results. Men may have a tendency to jump back into physical activities too quickly, which can impede the healing process. It’s very important that both men and women strictly follow the advice of their surgeons for optimum healing and desired results.
Men with thicker skin and a heavier blood supply to the face may sustain more swelling and bruising. This would make the early post-operative period a bit more uncomfortable for the male patient. Women might have less bruising, but they are equally cautioned to rest moderately and not undertake any heavy activities that could affect the healing process.
One of the most critical decisions when considering rhinoplasty for both men and women is selecting a skilled and experienced surgeon. Thus, it is imperative to select a surgeon who understands the subtleties of male and female nasal anatomy and aesthetics. In this regard, a surgeon with experience in rhinoplasty for both genders will be better poised to meet the patient’s expectations.
For instance, Dr. Kadir is reputed to be meticulous and tailors procedures to every patient. He is good enough to afford men and women the opportunity to get natural results that balance facial features.
Psychological and cultural factors play a massive role in the surgery of rhinoplasty for both men and women. Society’s expectations of the individual regarding beauty standards can be one of the major factors that can compel an individual to opt for rhinoplasty. Women tend to bear more societal pressure to meet specific beauty standards and may be forced to seek nasal surgery due to that. Men, on the other hand, might fear the stigmas of plastic surgery and may be hesitant to opt for one or maybe more inclined toward subtle changes.
Psychologically, the motivations behind rhinoplasty are very diverse. Women may turn to rhinoplasty to enhance their confidence and self-esteem, often to be perceived as more attractive. Men typically seek the procedure for functional correction or improvement in facial balance without the perceived indication of having undergone surgery.
Long-term satisfaction through rhinoplasty may depend on the expectation level that the patient has, the ability of the surgeon to deliver within the promised agreements, and his competence. Women coming in for aesthetic opinion changes might mostly expect dramatic changes, and men usually prefer slight improvement. Adequate management of such expectations, through detailed consultations and realistic goal setting, is very important for long-term satisfaction.
For this reason, both males and females can experience a significant increase in self-esteem and quality of life post-successful rhinoplasty. The main thing here is to have realistic expectations regarding the procedure’s outcome and to find a surgeon who can realize the desired look.
While this is an extremely popular operation among men and women, the motivating factors, surgical techniques employed, and aftercare differ considerably. Being aware of these differences and having a very capable surgeon like Dr. Kadir can make all the difference for male and female patients to achieve optimal results. Rhinoplasty is done to help in changing one’s life to find beauty and confidence, promoting well-being regardless of sex.