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What To Expect 3 Weeks After Rhinoplasty?

What Can I Do Three Weeks After Rhinoplasty?

Today, rhinoplasty is one of the commonest cosmetic surgeries performed. It reshapes the nose for improved appearance or functionality. Much as the results from rhinoplasty are truly life-changing, its recovery calls for patience and great care. You can only feel relieved and curious about how your nose is healing and any changes you will notice by the time you hit the third week post-surgery.

This article will review what to expect three weeks after rhinoplasty: how your nose should look and feel, activities you may resume, and tips for a smooth recovery.

Visible Changes and Swelling

By this time, three weeks post-rhinoplasty, the change in your nose’s appearance would have been quite dramatic. Most of the initial swelling would have subsided by now and thus would present you with the opportunity to visualize what your nose would finally look like. Nevertheless, it is a fact that swelling may persist for months, especially at the very tip of the nose, which takes the longest time to heal.

Most visible swelling will have subsided by this point, but residual swelling, mainly at the tip of your nose, is joint. This can give your nose a little extra bulk, making it appear a little bit bigger than it will be. Don’t worry—that is all part of the healing process.

By the third week, bruising should be minimal or absent around the nose and under the eyes. If you still have visible bruising, it should fade rapidly in the next few days or so.

Nasal Sensation and Breathing

You may feel slightly strange inside the nose at three weeks post-op. Patients have described these different sensations, which range from numbness to tingling or even stiffness in the nose during this stage of recovery. This is due to tissue and nerve healing and generally does not indicate anything worrisome.

You at this point should be breathing far much easier than in the first few days following surgery. You can now breathe easier if you have undergone rhinoplasty for deviated septum or any other functional correction. Nevertheless, there may still be a feeling of congestion in the nose due to internal swelling.

You may experience either a slight numbness or be very sensitive in the skin-nose area. This is normal healing and can last for several months. In some cases, it may even last a year before normal sensation returns.

Nasal Care and Cleaning

Proper care for your nose will allow it to heal well and avoid further complications. By the third week, you must be following your surgeon’s instructions on nasal care.

  • Cleansing. You can still clean the inside of your nose with a gently applied saline spray to keep the area moist and clean of debris. Do not blow your nose hard since it might disrupt the healing.
  • Taping. Some surgeons suggest tapping the nose to minimize swelling and support the new shape. If this was a part of your post-operative care, you may continue to do so by your surgeon’s advice.

Activity Level and Exercise

You may feel like your normal self for around three weeks; most of the discomfort and tiredness should wear off by now. However, gradually returning to all your normal activities is of primary importance. Overexertion needs to be avoided at all costs.

You can resume light activities such as walking and light housekeeping. This can improve blood circulation, accelerating healing without causing undue stress to your body.

You should still avoid heavy activities or exercises. Any activity that significantly raises your heart rate, such as running, weight lifting, or high-intensity workouts, may increase your swelling or bleeding. Usually, your surgeon will release you for more strenuous exercise around 4-6 weeks post-op.

To avoid injury to the nose, contact sports or any activity involving face trauma must be avoided for several months.

Emotional and Psychological Adjustments

Rhinoplasty can be an emotional journey. Emotionally, by three weeks post-op, you may vary from excitement over your new appearance to frustration with the remaining swelling and recovery process.

  • Body Image. It is normal to have mixed feelings about one’s appearance during this healing phase. Keep in mind that the final results take some time to reveal, and your nose will continue refining in the coming months.
  • Patience. Recovery from rhinoplasty is long. Much as one may be tempted to see the final results, trust in the process and allow the body time to heal.

Follow-Up Appointments

Your surgeon will likely set up a follow-up appointment around this time, during which your progress will be monitored. You can ask any questions or express any concerns. That will be an excellent chance to ask questions about your recovery and discuss when you may return to doing specific things.

On this visit, your surgeon will evaluate the healing of the nose, remove any remaining stitches, and suggest a future course of recovery.

During the follow-up visit, you can discuss any problem you face related to persistent swelling, breathing difficulties, or discomfort.

Tips for Smooth Recovery

Below are the tips to be followed for a smooth recovery with the best results from rhinoplasty surgery:

  • Keeping Hydrated. Drink as much water as possible. It helps you heal.
  • Protection from Sun Exposure. Apply sunscreen and wear a hat when in the sun. This is important because sun exposure might cause prolonged swelling and discolor the healing tissues.
  • Follow Instructions. Follow your surgeon’s advice regarding medications, nasal care, and activity restrictions.
  • Healthy Diet. Consume a healthy diet rich in vitamins and minerals to aid in the repair of tissues for good recovery.

Where To Find an Experienced Surgeon?

Istanbul is the well-known center for rhinoplasty, considering the fact that quality surgery is found there at an affordable price compared to many other countries. But that makes the need to choose a proper, reputable, and experienced surgeon properly registered with the Turkish Ministry of Health extremely important. Dr. Kadir Kilimcioglu is one of the prominent surgeons who provide quality treatment. Schedule an appointment to review your case and properly plan your rhinoplasty in Istanbul.


By three weeks after rhinoplasty, you are well into recovery. Most of the swelling and bruising would have settled, though one needs to keep in mind that your nose is still healing and will continue to change in the months ahead. Be patient for a little while with progress, follow the instructions of your surgeon, take good care of yourself, and watch the gradual unveiling of the new you.

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