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Rhinoplasty recovery time

Very often, a new nose became identified with a new life. It gives a person dramatic changes in appearance, harmonizing as much as possible features of the face. So, rhinoplasty understood as a series of surgical changes in the shape, length, and size of the nose is the second popular plastic surgery. Such are the statistics from the International Society of Aesthetic and Plastic Surgery. Abstractly, in 2020, over 1.2 million of plastic surgeries of the nose were carried out; according to its demand, it is topped only by breast augmentation.

Success in any surgical intervention will be determined not only by the plastic surgeon. Recovery from rhinoplasty is significant, and closely adheres to the needs and requirements advised by the specialist.

What Are the Rhinoplasty Healing Stages?

You will probably ask yourself, “How long does it take to recover from rhinoplasty?” Let’s clarify this question.

It’s not a rehabilitation that takes a serious period of time. Basically, it lasts from 2 to 3 weeks.

Immediately After Surgery

The patient is controlled 24 hours after the operation by the surgeon and the medical staff. In the first several hours after the ending of the rhinoplasty, he has the feeling of drowsiness, weakness, and apathy. All this comes off quickly. In practice, for 3-4 hours, the patients already begin walking and eating on their own.

The next day, the patient can go home, having received all the recommendations of a specialist. At this stage of recovery after rhinoplasty, a more extended stay in the hospital is unnecessary. 

First Stage: 0-7 Days

The operated nose is fixed with a special bandage, preventing bone displacement. It resembles the shape of a butterfly. It is essential to stabilize the result because even the slightest trauma can have a negative effect. Naturally, the bandage takes some getting used to. It is as comfortable as possible but can initially cause discomfort (tightness, heaviness, difficulty breathing). 

In the first 3-7 days, swelling, numbness (nose and upper lip), and bruising on the skin may occur. These will gradually go away. Painkillers can easily eliminate all discomfort.

During this period, it is recommended to sleep on your back to reduce swelling and take care of yourself (do not lift weights, do not bend over). In addition, it is worth refraining from makeup. 

Second Stage: 7 Days to 2 Weeks

During this period, swelling decreases, and bruises disappear, leaving visible traces of the operation. You can go to work, but there are some restrictions on sports and visiting saunas, baths, and swimming pools. Return to sports can be no earlier than one month after surgery. Visiting saunas, baths, and swimming pools should be resumed after 1.5 months. 

Third Stage: 1 Month

Patients also wonder, “How long does rhinoplasty take to heal and see the preliminary result?” The answer is 1 month. Most often, it is 1 month after surgery scheduled for a visit to the plastic surgeon. Usually, a person looks excellent at this time, with no traces of the operation. Guided by your feelings, you can continue doing sports.

Late Recovery Period: 6-12 Months

The nose gets a more precise shape in 6-8 months. The final result of rhinoplasty is after 1 year.

We hope you found this rhinoplasty recovery blog article helpful. But if you still have doubts about doing a nose job, meet Dr. Kadir Kilimcioglu for a consultation. 


Is Anesthesia Used for This Procedure?

Light general anesthesia is provided so that you will be asleep until your surgery gets over. Most rhinoplasty surgeries are done on an outpatient basis. However, depending upon the health condition of the patient, he may be required to stay in the hospital overnight to recover from the surgical procedure. Other patients prefer to spend a night at the hospital and then make recovering at home easier.

How Long Does This Procedure Take?

This whole process takes about two to three hours. Exactly how long you are in surgery depends on whether it’s an open or closed rhinoplasty. Sometimes, how long you are in surgery is also influenced by the kind of work that is being done. For example, correcting structural irregularities inside the nose will take much longer than correcting proportional concerns about the nose.

Why Do People Consider Rhinoplasty?

A nose job is one of the top procedures of plastic surgery done within the country. Among people, rhinoplasty is considered for reasons purely aesthetic in nature. You may want to get a nose job done in case you find that your nose is not in proportion to the rest of your face, there are any lumps or depressions down the bridge of your nose, the nostrils are excessively wide, or the nose tip is hooked, upturned, or too large. Other reasons for which people consider a nose job include:

Previous injury

This can therefore result in aesthetically displeasing problems and breathing obstructions if you have any pre-existing injury, such as a broken nose. A repeatedly broken nose often features gross deformity, which may adversely affect your self-image. You may also experience a deviated septum, making breathing difficult.

Breathing Problems

Many individuals may be concerned with breathing issues created by a deviated septum or another abnormality within the nose. This is particularly the case for those having difficulty breathing at night. If you notice that most nights you feel stuffy or that you are unable to breathe from one nostril, this may give cause for mouth breathing, which can result in dryness and many issues with oral health.

Are the Results of This Procedure Permanent?

The results offered by this procedure are permanent. Adults using this procedure may have these results all their lives. The only reason that will make your results not permanent is if you get an injury to the nose from an accident. The results from this procedure will be permanent because once the nose has reached its full growth in the late teens, it will stay the same size and shape throughout adulthood. 

At What Age Is This Treatment Best?

A nose job may be performed on patients 15 years of age to correct severe problems with the function of the nose (for example, breathing issues). If a teenage person needs plastic surgery, they should get parental consent and a detailed consultation so that the patient himself understands the procedure. Age-wise, rhinoplasty should be done after the nose has reached its full growth and bones are completely formed, which usually occurs by age of 17 for females and 18 for males. 

Are You a Good Candidate?

Candidates for surgical procedures in this category are physically healthy individuals, non-smokers, and persons with realistic expectations about the results that could be achieved with surgery. Using general anesthesia for this procedure is vital to have good physical health.

This procedure also does not have a good profile with people who have some medical conditions, are pregnant, or are patients who are not compatible with general anesthesia. Likewise, patients younger than 15 years old are not qualified for this surgery.


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